Solder Savvy: A Deep Dive Into the Art & Science of Soldering - Module II
to Mar 8

Solder Savvy: A Deep Dive Into the Art & Science of Soldering - Module II

Soldering is a fundamental metalsmithing skill, but arguably one of the hardest to master. Nothing is more frustrating than having a joint fail or worse – melting a piece you have spent hours on. Don’t let your designs be limited by intimidation! Through this intensive course, students will learn what is needed to achieve consistently strong, seamless joints and gain confidence to tackle their toughest projects!

This 4-week course is split into two modules, at two sessions (weeks) per module. Each module will focus on a specific aspect of soldering, from choosing the right equipment and supplies to cleaning up once the solder job is done (see below for a list of topics covered in each session). Be sure to register for both modules for an all-inclusive soldering overview. Safe practices and safety equipment will be addressed throughout.

Each module comprises a combination of lecture, demo, and Q&A, with opportunities for those already using torches to share their trials and triumphs. Color handouts will be provided, but notetaking is highly encouraged throughout this information-packed course.

Whether you are thinking about buying your first torch or want to take your soldering to the next level, this comprehensive curriculum has something to offer makers at all levels.


Part 2 (module two) Topics:

Session 1 - Solder + Joints

  • Solder Alloys (silver, karat gold, gold repair, platinum, palladium, brass/bronze/copper)

  • Solder Forms (wire, sheet, paste, powder)

  • Solder Grades & Order of Operations

  • Melting -vs- Flow Point

  • Solder Delivery Methods (pellet/pallion, pick, stick or sweat)

  • Preparing a Joint for Soldering

  • Basic Joint Types (Butt, Lap and “T”)

    • Demos:

      • Side-by-side Solder Melt & Flow Tests

      • Soldering a Butt Joint

      • Soldering a Lap Joint

      • Soldering a “T” Joint


Session 2 - Soldering Special Cases

  • What situations require special consideration when soldering?

  • Diagnosing (and/or recovering from) Failures

  • Show & Tell (students bring their soldered joints for evaluation)

    • Demos:    

      • Soldering Hollow Forms

      • Soldering Hinge Knuckles

      • Foolproof Ring Butt Joints

      • Soldering with Stones in Place

      • Soldering a piece to be enameled

      • Soldering Mild & Stainless Steel

      • Production Soldering Shortcuts

        • Earring Posts

        • Jump Rings

        • Custom Jigs

  • If time allows, Kristin will take specific requests for additional demos.

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Hold Everything! Workshop

Hold Everything! Workshop

At least half the challenge of metalsmithing is being able to hold onto your project while you manipulate it with your tools. In this demo-format workshop, observe a collection of tools and techniques from the simple to the complex that this challenge. These tips are helpful for those with tendonitis or other physical challenges.

Bring problem pieces to the workshop for troubleshooting. No prerequisite. Class price includes fee of $50, which includes a take-home holding solutions kit. After class begins, this fee is non-refundable.

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Upcycle It! Handbound Books from Everyday Materials
to Apr 17

Upcycle It! Handbound Books from Everyday Materials

Transform common recycleables into functional blank books that can be used for notes, sketches or gifting in this fun workshop! Students will learn to use a simple long-stitch binding through slots cut in chipboard boxes that will be used for their covers (see photo).

Price includes materials fee of $30 that covers all materials for binding EXCEPT the boxes used for covers. Materials fee is not refundable after class begins. NOTE: Please bring 2-3 lightweight (non-corrugated) empty boxes from food or other packaging for your covers to first class. Smaller boxes work best – eg boxes from movie-theater-size candy, pens/pencils, seasoning mixes, etc. – though cereal, pasta and tissue boxes can also usually be modified to work.

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to Jun 9

Jewelry/Metalsmithing - Independent Study

Practice your metals skills learned at MAC with professional guidance. Use available tools and get instructor refreshers as needed. Continue practicing learned skills. No new concepts or casting processes will be introduced.

Prerequisite: Jewelry/Metalsmithing I & II or equivalent experience. Price includes a $25 materials fee which is non-refundable after class begins. Students may purchase some materials in class.

*No class 5/26.

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Foolproof Flush-Setting Workshop

Foolproof Flush-Setting Workshop

Add sparkle to your designs with flush-set gemstones! This fast and easy setting style adds stones without prongs, maintaining the design’s focus. Create custom tools for flush-setting hard, round faceted stones like natural or synthetic diamonds, sapphires, and rubies. No prerequisite. Class price includes fee of $50, which includes a take-home holding solutions kit. After class begins, this fee is non-refundable.

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Tool Repair & Maintenance Workshop

Tools are an extension of a metalsmith's hand. Learn to maintain and repair them, including flex shaft care, cleaning files, restoring tweezers, refinishing and re-securing hammer heads, cleaning a torch, and more. A special segment on rust prevention and removal will also be included. Bring damaged and rusted tools for repair under professional supervision. No prerequisite. Class fee includes a materials fee of $45 that is non-refundable once class begins.

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Viking Knit Chain Workshop

Viking Knit Chain Workshop

Learn the ancient woven chain technique commonly referred to as “Viking Knit.” Transform fine gauge copper wire into an airy yet strong and flexible cable. Apply an antiqued patina and finish chains with an elegant, hand-forged copper s-hook clasp and copper-toned bead cones. Leave with a finished Viking Knit bracelet or necklace and kit to make more at home. No prerequisite. Price includes a materials fee of $40 that is non-refundable once class begins.

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Flex Shaft Fundamentals: Rotary Tools, Tricks & Essential Techniques
to Aug 29

Flex Shaft Fundamentals: Rotary Tools, Tricks & Essential Techniques

Confused by the dizzying array of rotary burs, tips and bits on the market? This information-packed workshop is for you! Through a series of fast-paced demos and accompanying reference material, students learn everything they need to know about purchasing, maintaining and using this multi-purpose workhorse of the metals studio, the flexible shaft machine (aka “flex shaft”). Students learn to navigate the many options available – from choosing the right motor & hand piece (and how to maintain them) to choosing the right bit for the job at hand.

Come prepared to take lots of notes and bring problem pieces for personalized consultation. Students may also bring their own flex shaft if they have questions about
their setup, use or repair.

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